Quintana Rd DSP Interconnect Water
San Antonio, Texas
Client: San Antonio Water System (SAWS)
Maestas was a subconsultant for this project which was part of the San Antonio Water System’s 2011 Unspecified Engineering Design Services Contract. The project was the design and construction of a PRV interconnect between SAWS and the DSP water system in southwestern Bexar County at the intersection of Quintana Road and Fisher Road.
Maestas' involvement in this project included the design of the pressure reducing valve assembly and vault, 85 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron water main, and connection of existing 30-inch DSP water main to PRV vault. A temporary construction easement was acquired from an adjacent property owner to allow placement of the PRV vault close to the edge of the existing 25-foot easement so that the excavation for placement of PRV vault would not impact the 30-inch main. The new 16-inch main was placed in a 20-foot steel casing where it crossed the 4-inch force main.