Mayfield Boulevard: Zarzamora to Commercial
San Antonio, Texas
Client: City of San Antonio / San Antonio Water System
Maestas & Associates was contracted by the City of San Antonio to provide engineering services for the preparation of plans, specifications, and estimates of probable construction cost for the reconstruction of Mayfield Blvd from Zarzamora to Commercial. The overall length of this project was approximately 5,250-feet. This project involved two phases; design of roadway improvements for Mayfield Blvd between Zarzamora and IH 35, and design of roadway improvements for Mayfield Blvd from IH 35 to Commercial. The roadway design upgraded Mayfield Blvd between Zarzamora and IH 35 from an uncurbed street to a curbed section with 15-foot travel lanes and included sidewalks, combination retaining walls and an underground stormwater system. From IH 35 to Commercial, Mayfield Blvd the design included design of a bore under IH 35 for the stormwater system and design of the stormwater system from IH 35 to the Commercial Tributary and replacement of the sanitary sewer system. The phase of the project also included the design of roadway trench repair and the milling and overlaying the street. Maestas & Associates also prepared plans for Traffic Control, Project Phasing, Stormwater Pollution Prevention (SW3P), signalization, signing and pavement markings. Maestas & Associates also calculated project quantities, Opinion of Probable Construction Cost and prepared a construction schedule. Maestas & Associates coordinated extensively with local agencies and utility companies to avoid utility conflicts and to secure required permits.